Recent Posts

  • Planned WTMA rate increase

    The Authority is planning to implement the final year of the rate increase plan, starting with the water & sewer bill that comes out in March. The flat rate price…

  • Public Participation is encouraged

    The Board of Supervisors would like to invite interested individuals to volunteer for positions on the various boards that help to run the Township. Although these board positions are all…

  • Free Radon Testing being offered at the Township Office

    DEP Highlights National Radon Action Month, Free Test Kits Available January is National Radon Action Month. Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas that occurs naturally through the breakdown of…

  • WTMA offers portal for payments & account history

    The Authority offers a web portal,, where you can review your water/sewer account and pay your bills by entering your checking/savings account number and routing number at NO cost.…